
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Do the humpty hump

It's hump day everyone! I'm sure Tyler will get a real kick out of this! ;>
It's been a good day. I feel that with anything you've got to get low before you can get high.
Not that things are terribly low but this is a process and success doesn't usually happen over night. Unless of course you're Susan Boyle. Have you seen this woman? Unless you have been living under a rock which apparently I have been, I only learned of Susan Boyle this afternoon when my Auntie came in to help me with my taxes. Ha! Susan Boyle! She rocks. I may have shed tears watching the clip on You tube.
Let's be bold and sing our little hearts out or dance or draw or sew or manage Denny's, just be sure to do it loudly! Make shit happen!
Ali :>