Aren't these just the most spectacular little beauties!? Ranunculus make me smile. Little pleasures.
You know what else I find terribly pleasing?...Travel. I'm not really in any position to do so with the new business but I had a credit with Air Canada that was about to expire and so Tyler and I had to book something or this money would be lost forever! That's my excuse and I'm stickin' to it!
I'm a free spirit when it comes to traveling so I never thought I would say this but, we booked a cruise! Weird, I know!
But, with only one week and limited funds this seems like a really cool option. We get to see Belize, Costa Rica and Panama for so cheap and because we're Ontario residents they upgraded our room to a balcony! We're freaking out! I've flown well over twenty times in the last four years with my job as a car show CSR and I feel like a kid every time. It's always a thrill for me! Tyler hasn't flown since he was a kid, so we're gonna have a blast even on the plane! I've never flown with anyone else, only as a single. Mile high club here we come!(I'm currently air humping with glee!) I would never, I'm a lady. ;>
Hope you're having a magnificent Thursday!
Alison xo
Yay for a cruise!!! Woohoo!! So happy for you two! xo
I loooove ranunculous!! Have a wonderful time on your cruise.
I've ordered a bunch on vintage Mccoy vases and planters on ebay recently so I'm gonna have to come in after x-mas so you can show me what to plant in them!!
Congrats!!! That's so exciting!
oooh this reminds me that I want to come pick up some ranunculus soon!
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