
Saturday, March 27, 2010


Easter bunny cut outs by Erin Candela!

Dance Saturday!

So, the weather isn't particularly note worthy.
The shop isn't terribly busy.
Do we need to shake it!? Yes!!
And how about celebrating earth hour with me tonight at 8:30 by turning off all the lights for one hour? Everybody is doing it! Can you think of fun ways to pass the time in the dark? I'll list a few of my favorites.
1. shadow puppets in the moonlight
2. play the spoons and sing songs from your childhood
3. bathe by candlelight
4. spend time with an animal you've been neglecting
5. do it, you know "it"
6. brush your hair one hundred strokes or until the hour is up
7. draw with your mind and reveal your masterpiece when the lights come on

Click here and dance with me fools!

Have fun tonight little noodles and happy birthday dear brother!