
Wednesday, July 2, 2014


Lovely folks,

As you may already know, exciting changes are afoot! A Coriander baby joined the family this week and she's cute as a peach. Also, we've got a fancy new wedding studio whose doors are set to open soon.

To keep up with the pace of things - and give us time to move furniture, we've elected to close the shop, temporarily, for two weeks.
Please note:

  • From June 30 - July 14, our shop will be closed
    • Unfortunately, we will not be able to accommodate new flower orders that fall during this period.
  • On Tuesday, July 15, our shop will reopen and we'll resume regular hours:
    • Tuesday through Friday, from 11 am to 6 pm;
    • Saturday, from 11 am to 5 pm; and
    • Sunday, from noon to 4 pm.

For all wedding inquiries, please connect with our wedding coordinator, Tellie Hunt, via email at

We look forward to catching up/sharing details about the wee babe and studio with you in two weeks.

Until then,

xo The Coriander Team


Christine Weatherby Live Purple said...

Yay! Congrats on your baby girl! Very happy to hear your news. Enjoy!
Wishing you continued success...

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