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Instagram: @blushandbowties
Twitter @blushandbowties
Photographer: Artiese Studios
Instagram: artiesestudios
Cinematography: Outside In
Instagram: @outsideinstudio
Twitter @outsideinstudio
Venue: District 28
Instagram: @d28events
Twitter: @district28TO
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Instagram: @amandafoongcakes
Twitter: @afcakes
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Instagram: @loversland
Twitter: @shoploversland
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Instagram: @unbridaledbydanjones
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Instagram: @coriandergirl @thelittleflorist
Twitter: @coriandergirl
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Instagram: @simplybeautifuldecor
Twitter: @district28TO
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Instagram: @silkandwillow
Twitter: @silkandwillow
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Instagram: @plateoccasions
Twitter: @plateoccasions
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Instagram: @bespokebeautyinc
Twitter: @bespokebeautyto
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