Wednesday, November 2, 2016
NOW Magazine ~ Best Florist in TO!!!
How do we begin to express our gratitude? We can't even... Can't EVEN!!!
One thing is for certain, it took 7 years to get here and I didn't do it alone.
From our incredible employees to the flower growers, local farmers, our relationships with
other industry professionals, photographers and event space coordinators. I have been surrounded
by an army of immeasurable talent. My family, Tyler and Hattie inspire me daily. Every employee/freelancer
and of course Coriander Dad has contributed to this lovely triumph so stand up and give yourself a slow clap!
Coriander Girl feels like the little shop that could. If you've followed our journey, you remember
how tiny the first shop was yet despite it's size and the lack of social media we made big waves in the early days.
We've celebrated some pretty exciting milestones since 2009. We moved to a bigger location, hired a super talented
weddings manager, opened a wedding studio, opened a second location in Prince Edward County, and recently bought a farm with a 200
year old church to host Coriander Weddings and Events. These business decisions were huge leaps of faith and
truly inspired by the network of love that surrounds me on a daily basis.
The future is looking so sparkly. We've always championed local growers but for 2017 we want even more,
especially for our wedding clients. We'll be honing in on intimate gatherings with the emphasis on offering
a one of a kind bespoke floral experience. We're also unveiling the wedding venue in PEC this coming Spring where I'll be
focusing my efforts. At our Toronto location, the oh so lovely and talented Amira Shabason will continue to hold fort
as manager extraordinaire. The images shown here are from a creative Amira did a couple of weeks ago, every time she designs I can just hear the flowers cheering, "pick me, pick me!" She has a rare and special gift.
Together we're working on some really cool projects for TO and we can't wait to share them as they unfold.
If this is the first time you're learning about us, there are a few things we want you to know. We care about people first,
We believe in nurturing relationships from the farm to the vase and we know without question this kind of practise
finds its way into our designs. Cheesy as that may sound, pass the triple cream brie!!
Thank you so so much for voting for us guys! Thank you to my 2 year old daughter Hattie for reminding me and
my husband Tyler that's its about the love, and eating more pancakes.
For a long time it felt like I was climbing up hill with boulders strapped to my back and then I started developing
my crew who helped carry some of that weight. Today I am so grateful. I didn't think it was possible to feel more love and support, but I do! Because of YOU, I feel like I just grew some bad ass lightening bolts and it's only seconds to the moon.
Much love,
Alison xo
Photographs by Danijela Pruginic
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