
Sunday, October 2, 2011

A Country Wedding Extravaganza Part 2 of Part 2

More family and friend love.

Me and my 93 year old Nana! She still bowls strikes, they call her Striker.

Tyler's dear grandparents.

Pretty Ciara and Willow just chillin' in the grass.

My beautiful girls and handsome Mr. Jay Pollack taking a wee deep.

Our amazing musicians Willow and Kelsey poolside.

Tyler's bro and best man Travis and his beautiful girlfriend Natasha.

Daughter #2, 3 and 4! Bitty, Aly and Rachy! xo

That's my girl.

Part 3, wedding details to come!
Alison xoxo

Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Country Wedding Extravaganza Part 2 in two parts!

Family and friend love! All photographs by the lovely and talented Joseph + Jaime.
Part 1

What a handsome bunch!

Every country wedding needs a hay ride, can I get an amen!?

Sweet Mama and Pop and my dear brother Josh

Coriander Diddy!! What a dapper fellow.

Me and my brother, hey ladies~he's single fyi

The beautiful Hogans with their babes

Tyler with pretty mama Penny

Tyler and his darling dad Bill

My stunningly beautiful best friend and made of honour Brittany

Having a good dance in the fields

Okay, is it just me or does this photo look like a movie poster?! Someone suggested the cover of a CD of a really cool band. Our tractor driver Willard fits in perfectly! Haha!

And finally Harry. The wedding would not have been the same without our little bun. I must tell you he recently fell ill and was literally knockin' on heavens door. We've been syringe feeding him and have totally saved our little bunny from certain death! I can joke about it a little now but in all seriousness one night just last week, we spent the night in tears saying good bye as his little lips turned blue and he was too weak to eat or drink. I think we loved him back to life.
Let's cheer for the magical bunny, Mr. Harry Hogan!!! Hip hip hoorah!
Part two of two soon to come!
Alison xoxox

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tyler and Alison's Country Wedding Extravaganza Part 1

We just received a mile high stack of gorgeous wedding pics from our amazing photographers Joseph and Jaime, the images absolutely blew us away and I'm so excited to share them with all of you!!! So, here's how it's gonna go down. I'm thinking a three part series. Perhaps a general overview and from there we'll introduce the beautiful pics of our family, friends and the decorative details, sound good!? Woot woot!

Let's do this!

More details to come!
Thanks everyone for your wedding well wishes, it truly was the most magnificent day of our lives!
Alison xo

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lil' doodle

Sometimes you've gotta just stop and appreciate the little doodles.

Alison xo

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Summer weddings!

Just a few highlights from some of our most recent weddings. Congratulations to all of our beautiful brides and handsome grooms!

Alison xo

Friday, September 2, 2011

Guess what day it is!

Thanks again to all of you for supporting me and the business for 2 whole years! More of our wedding details soon!
Alison xo