
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Introducing Coriander Bits!

So, I've had this idea on the brain for months, it's nothing revolutionary but it will be unique because there is no other me, as far as I know. Clearly my production team is lacking because, well, you're lookin' at her. These are my first webisode baby steps, they're supposed to be rough, and terribly basic, but that just means they can only get better from here! The point is I'm finally doing it and I encourage all of you to tackle that project you've been kept awake over. Anything is possible!

So that's that! Stay tuned!
Alison xo

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

petit lapin

Wedding flowers! One of my favourites this season.

And who can resist a little doodle bunny! My petit lapin!
How is everyone doing? Do you know what you're going to be for Halloween? My rule has always been it's got to be scary. So you can be Elvis but zombie Elvis. You can be a fairy but a dead fairy is so much better. It's a good rule. Oh, you're going as Lady Gaga you say? (insert the rule here) You get the idea?
And why not finish this post off with a little halloween inspiration, it's only the greatest video ever made!!
Dance with me!!
Alison xo

Friday, October 22, 2010


I love my community here in Parkdale. I think I've lived here almost five years but just celebrated my 1 year shop anniversary. The other shop owners and I have really bonded. My dear neighbour to the right just popped over and presented me with a glass of red wine. Now, I don't know about you but this is something that can really make my Friday. A baked brie might send me over the edge. My oldest and dearest friend Bitty surprised me with her homemade carrot soup the other day and it wasn't too long ago that dear Rachelle from Hawk Eyes dropped off the most fabulous flour-less chocolate cake from Terroni, I think I mentioned this but honestly, I still get chills when I think about that dessert. You have to go there and then go to Hawk Eyes and choose from a myriad of treasures Rachelle has carefully chosen to showcase in her beautiful shop.

Apparently a new flower shop has opened up on Roncesvalles not too far from me. You might expect me to worry a little but honestly, I wish them very well. There is enough to go around and I want them to succeed. We florists don't need to fight amongst each other it's the grocery stores we should be worrying about.
So, come to Parkdale, shop til' you drop! Especially on Ronce as it's suffering tremendously from all the construction. Buy local, resist the temptation to buy from the big box as it's a real detriment to the mom and pop shops you find so charming!
We need you!
xo Alison

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Breathing it all in

I'm beginning to think it might never slow down. This is an amazing thing and I know how fortunate I am to be busy.
And although I'm tired, I'm still loving every single second of it. I auditioned for the Marilyn Denis show yesterday. I stood in line with 950 other hopefuls just praying to get in front of the camera and keep my wits about me. I was surely wind blown and stiff from the cold but when I got to the tent I was greeted with such warmth from the ladies auditioning me that I was able to gather my troops and give it my best, well as best as can be wind blown and blue lipped. Perhaps they'll see that spark in me and want me as a guest to talk all things floral. It feels right. I've come to this place in life where everything seems to be aligning just so. I've been preparing for this for many years as an actress turned flower girl, it's kind of perfect. Coriander Girl crushes Frankie Flowers! Just kidding, we love that man.
Wish me luck!

Alison xo

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving this year was so special. We were able to spend it with our families. First I enjoyed a traditional turkey dinner with the Coriander dad, my brother and rest of the fam at my Aunt Debbie's and the next night my mom and pop invited us along with Tyler's parents for a fondue extravaganza. Goodness I have a lot to be thankful for. I'm thankful for the abundance of love in my life, the success of Coriander Girl, my health and the health of those I care so much about and the lovely blessings that have been bestowed upon me this last year. Our engagement and buying our first home are definite highlights!!
I'm thankful for all of you out there in the blog world. It's such a thrill to be a part of this lovely community.
xo Alison

Friday, October 8, 2010

Autumn Weddings

It takes a village. Endless gratitude for all of you that help me on a daily basis.
This lady needs a dance like never before! Who's with me!!!?
Click here doodles!

Alison xo

Friday, September 24, 2010

My blog my blog my blog, my lovely lady blog

Hello dear darlings!
Where've you guys been? Oh it's me who's been away... I see. ; >
Well, the good news is that this Coriander Girl is getting some serious r and r. Tyler and I have been exploring our new community and we're falling madly, deeply in love with it. We're also in the early planning stages of our wedding and I'm blogging about it weekly for Weddingbells.
In other news, the shop is doing so well! My right hand woman Kerri, well-what can I say? She's breakin' necks and cashin' cheques. Well, maybe not breaking necks cuz that would be bad but she's busy being super awesome, just look at her beautiful work below!

And my dear friend Erin Candela(artist extraordinaire) is taking a few shifts here and there to help out and she is also ah-mazing! To know that the shop is in such good hands while I'm away, it's really very magnificent.
New product is arriving daily, some from vendors you're already familiar with like Ella's Botanicals and The Philosophers Stone- which, by the way, is such beautiful art. These stones are cored and then worked on for hours and my goodness they are stunning vessels.

And guess who's back in full effect... The Sassy-ist Lamb in town! The Sassy Lamb! Jaime Dobbs has done it again with her sweet little garden aprons for that special gardening friend of yours. Heck, buy one for yourself and I'll pay the tax on both of them if you mention this post.

It's my favourite time of year and I'm feelin' like dancin'!!! Who's with me?!!
Click it and kick it!

Alison xo